General Preparedness Space Outlines:


AUGUST 8TH GENERAL PREP BONFIRE – notes added.docx – Google Docs

AUGUST 22ND GENERAL PREP BONFIRE – notes added.docx – Google Docs

SEPTEMBER 5TH GENERAL PREP BONFIRE – notes added.docx – Google Docs

Military Manuals:

Topographical Maps: | Science for a changing world

On this site, scroll down until you see Topographical maps, click it. In the search bar, put your address in and hit search. It will give u a list of maps. You can get a pdf, but if everything goes down, u will not have it unless u take it to a place to print in.

Become a Prepper Overnight

Prepping 101: How to Turn into a Prepper Overnight

Prepping 101 Prepper checklist
So, you want to become a prepper? You’ve come to the right place.

We take the art of prepping pretty seriously — i.e. we aren’t interested in stereotypes like donning Army Surplus clothes and tin foil hats or mulling over the next nuclear apocalypse like it’s our daytime job.

Prepping is serious, exciting, and, believe it or not, fun. However, getting started can be a bit overwhelming. Lucky for you, we’ve researched, gathered the good info, and gotten our hands dirty so you don’t have to (at least not yet, anyway).

In this post, we’ll give you the basics of becoming a prepper, where to start, and how you can maintain your new self-sufficient lifestyle.

What is a Prepper and Why Should You Be One?
The standard definition of a prepper is someone who has a distinct interest in preparing for and surviving emergencies. From our perspective, though, prepping is much more than that.

Preppers are people who take intentional steps to mentally and physically prepare for life. Even the most mundane precautionary measures can be considered prepping – from taking advantage of that summer sale on rock salt to putting together your basic emergency car kit.

When you take life seriously like this, you become a self-reliant, natural problem-solvers that’s ready to take on any and every situation. You can count on a prepper to know how to change a tire on the side of the road and still get home on time for their crockpot dinner.

Preppers can be confused with people who are overly cautious and paranoid. But the truth is they’re simply choosing to proactively get what they need instead of waiting until the last minute to do so. After all, who wants to wait until a home invasion or natural disaster is actively taking place to start planning an escape route?

If you’re convinced that you truly are a prepper at heart, then let’s talk about some of the prepping basics.

Prepping for Beginners
Prepping is only as expensive and complicated as you make it. It’s all about knowing where to start and focusing on potential scenarios you might encounter in your life and location on the map. Below are five important courses of action you’ll want to take to become a serious prepper.

Be Prepared Financially
We’re probably not the first person to tell you that money makes the world go round. While you don’t need to be a billionaire to survive a global pandemic, you’ll want to have a solid fiscal foundation in place in case of an emergency.

With that said, we recommend starting by saving up an emergency starter fund of at least $1,000. According to financial expert Dave Ramsey, this is a good initial goal. However, once you’re free of debt and can afford to put away more, he also recommends upping the ante — and not just by a little bit, either. Ramsey suggests saving for three to six months worth of expenses.

This safety net is here to help you in the event of a job layoff, temporary disability, or any other emergency where you would need to stop working and take care of a loved one.

It’s also important to adopt sound financial habits, such as keeping an updated budget, buying in bulk when you can, and always doing your prepping with cost in mind.

Start Your Prep with Two Weeks of Supplies
The Department of Homeland Security suggests having enough supplies in your home to last 72 hours. While that’s a good start, you really should be preparing for more — even as a new prepper. With illnesses out there like the coronavirus that could knock you out for weeks or quarantine you for months at a time, it’s wise to make a prepping list with at least 14 days worth of food, water, and supplies.

Even if you don’t end up using all your emergency prepping supplies, you’re better to be over-prepared than underprepared. Here’s our recommended prepper’s checklist:

Food and water (check out our posts The Best Ways to Store Food for an Emergency and The Ultimate Guide on How to Stockpile H20).

Light sources like flashlights, candles, and lanterns.

Matches, lighters, and batteries.

A heat source such as a space heater or kerosene heater.

Blankets, non-electric heaters, and USB-powered fan.

First aid kit and other essential medication.

Personal hygiene and cleaning products.

Battery-powered cell phone charger and communication radio.

Power sources like a generator and back-up batteries.

Self-defense weapons like a firearm and pepper spray.

Tools like an ax, shovel, and even duct tape.

A full tank of gas in a working vehicle.

Cash, personal documents, and emergency contact information.

Hands-on entertainment like board games, cards, and books.

Having two weeks of goods on hand is one of the best ways to maintain your peace of mind.

Invest in a Bug Out Bag
Bug out bags are grab and go bags that contain only the essential items you need for survival. They provide on-the-go-supplies like a mini tent, sleeping bag, multipurpose tool, compass, and more.

Having these basics packed and ready to go at a moment’s notice enables you to “get up and get out” in record timing during a serious emergency. There’s a lot more to be said about these stuffed compartments of prepping glory, and it’s definitely worth putting together the best BOB you can as you get more and more used to the prepping life. You can learn more about Bug Out Bag Basics and their ideal contents all around the blog.

Learn Core Survival Skills
Prepping for survival isn’t just about having all the right supplies on hand; it’s also about knowing how to physically and emotionally respond during an unexpected event. One of the ways to do this is by making a game plan based on your potential risks.

You don’t exactly know when or how each catastrophe will unfold. This means all you can do is generically prepare for each one as best you can. For example, skills like learning how to tie a knot, performing CPR, and stopping a puncture wound from bleeding out are all important things to know in a variety of different SHTF scenarios.

Once you learn some basics, start personalizing your knowledge based on your circumstances and location. If you happen to live in an area that’s prone to crime, take a self-defense class to protect yourself and your family.

At the end of the day, it’s your responsibility to learn how to use your tools, hands, and surroundings efficiently and effectively. That way, when the unexpected strikes, you can strike back harder and smarter.

Know Who You Can Depend On
Preppers often pride themselves on not depending on others to save them. But truth be told, we all need other humans to survive. If you happen to trip over your dog and break a leg, chances are you’re going to need some help from a family member, friend, or neighbor.

Make a list of those you can depend on in an emergency. Likewise, be willing to help them, too. In the end, you’re going to want a community backing you up as you navigate through this crazy, unpredictable life.

Ready, Set, Prep!
In this ever-changing world, there are countless things you can be prepared for. Delving into the world of prepping can help you do just that. It’s as simple as tackling a few of the small steps listed above, like investing in an emergency fund, stocking up on supplies, and learning key survival skills.

Think you’ve got what it takes to be a prepper? Then dive in, keep digging into that research, and don’t stop until you become a prepping pro!